Current teaching programme

Current teaching programme

The training team facilitate a local Educational Programme for our GP trainees.

Our teaching programme operates in three terms per training year, GPST1 & 2 training consists of on average 4 full day sessions per term for each year, whereas GPST3 is held weekly (PM only).

Sessions run 09:00 – 13:00 then 14:00 – 17:00 (full day) or 14:00 – 17:00 for afternoon sessions in ST3. The teaching is scoped around trainee training requirements as they progress in their career in addition to being a regular support network for sharing ideas & concerns. 

In addition to this, we also run 4 x termly ‘small group teaching sessions’ for GPST1/2s in GP placements. These sessions are aimed to give support to trainees in General Practice placements and can be an environment to discuss subjects and concerns in Practice.

All teaching sessions take place on a Wednesday (apart from the 2 day residential which also includes Thursday) & are run at the Horizon Centre which is on the Torbay Hospital main site (although all sessions are currently running remotely)

The GPST Coordinator will send these dates in advance to both yourself & all Practice Managers (Departmental & General Practice) however we do suggest that you request these teaching dates in advance as well. It is mandatory to attend 70% of planned teaching days – this is logged by the coordinator in ST1 & ST2. Trainees get 30 days study leave per training year & VTS days are deducted from your study leave allowance.

For information regarding the study leave expenses application process please see the Deanery site.