The GP Training Scheme is here to look after you. If you are feeling down, stressed out, having financial difficulty or just struggling with something, please discuss things with your friendly TPDs, GP Trainer or Hospital Consultant. We will listen and we will try and help. It’s important to get in touch with us early because problems are more difficult to “fix” if they are discovered late.

In summary,
- You can talk to any of us – TPDs, GP Trainer, Hospital Consultant
- If you have a health issue, don’t forget to visit your own GP too. And there’s the national Practioner’s Health Service (a service for all doctors by doctors).
- In terms of counselling, nearly all HEE Schools provide a free Counselling Service. The one in Yorkshire & the Humber is called Take Time Counselling service in Leeds. The BMA also provide a Counselling Service.
- The Y&H HEE school also provides a coaching service.
- For medico-legal issues, please let us know early. Also, contact your Defence Union.