Year 2 Delivery Overview


To enable ST2 trainees to develop the sorts of relationships that will help them to survive and thrive in their workplace.

Objectives (categorised as knowledge, skills, attitudes or outcome)

By the end of ST2 trainees will

  1. Know what they need from their personal and professional relationships (in terms of specific functions)
  2. Understand the importance of facilitating healthy relationships in their teams.
  3. Have developed the skills needed to develop, and sustain these different relationships
  4. Have strengthened their personal and professional network in response to the above
  5. Understand how differences in values, strengths and preferences can impact upon relationships
  6. Have developed the skills to negotiate these differences
  7. Have developed the skills to facilitate the development of colleagues and ensure all team members are better able to honour their values, utilise their strengths/preferences
  8. Have delivered an initiative in the workplace that uses these skills.
  9. Have the skills to respond positively to workforce development initiatives

Resources/Skills to facilitate the above may include the following:

  • TA
  • Coaching Skills
  • Belbin
  • MBTI
  • 5 Hats
  • Colours
  • Motivational Interviewing
  • Negotiation Skills