
The Survive and Thrive programme introduces trainees to various concepts, models and methods to develop personal and organisational resilience. Above all, it allows trainees some time and space to consider what this means for them personally and their work. The programme stretches over the three years of Specialist GP Training and is delivered through sessions at Deanery days, VTS and small group discussions.

Year 1 – Personal development – developing self awareness through exploration of strengths, values and needs

Year 2 – Interpersonal skills – how we interact with those around us

Year 3 – Team working in the wider practice – organisational resilience

Beyond – it is hoped that the trainees will have a ‘scaffolding’ of skills that they can continue to build on as they progress into independent practice.

Master-classes:  To further support resilience in our practice, we run a series of Master-classes which will explore some of the concepts in greater depth. These are open to all trainees from any specialty and post registration doctors including GP Trainers – Link to details of the Masterclass programme to be added shortly

Recognising that this is an important initiative, the GP school is working in close collaboration with CAMERA [ Collaboration for the Advancement of Medical Education Research and Assessment] at Plymouth University to evaluate the implementation and impact of the programme.