Less Than Full Time Training

Welcome to Less than Full Time Training (LTFT) at Royal Surrey. This web page is designed to provide some useful information and links regarding working less than full time in GP. We have both a Trainee Representative in the scheme and a Hospital Champion in the Trust for LTFT training, both of whom are happy to be contacted with any questions or problems you may be have regarding LTFT training.​

Thinking about applying for LTFT training?

Speak with your Educational Supervisor and Training Programme Director early, baring in mind the 16-week notice period to see a change in work pattern.

Applications for LTFT can be made any time of year for the following reasons:

  • Parental care 
  • Trainees with a disability or ill health- 
  • Trainees with caring responsibilities

Other application criteria (listed below) have set application windows in which to apply, determined by the month in which you rotate.

  • Welfare and wellbeing
  • Unique opportunities   
  • Religious commitment  
  • Non-medical development   
  • Flexibility for training and career development  

 For all applications a minimum of 16 weeks notice is required, except in exceptional circumstances. Please bear this in mind when planning an application.

Ready to apply for LTFT training?

Prior to submitting an application, you must inform the Trust as your employer.

You can do this by e-mailing: rsc-tr.medicalresourcing@nhs.net.

When ready to submit, the application portal can be accessed here.

The Trust’s LTFT Champion is available to support doctors returning to a training post after a break of 3 months or more for any reason. They can help trainees address concerns and issues relating to working LTFT and are contactable via rsch.ltftsupportt@nhs.net or Royal Surrey County Hospital telephone 01483 571122 extension 6405.

Useful Links

LTFT trainees – advice on when they will need to have an ESR and ARCP panel

A useful tool for when you are considering LTFT training for childcare reasons

Guidance for organising a LTFT rota For trainees and rota co-ordinators – this is very useful when negotiating your rota

BMA Less Than Full Time Guidance Basic information about LTFT training

Apply for LTFT training via the portal here