

ST1s and ST2s usually do one year made up of 3x 4 month posts in hospital posts and the other year in GP with an innovative 6 month training post (ITP) as part of this time in GP. The ST3 year (GP registrar year) is spent in one practice within the Lambeth and Southwark area.

The hospital posts are mostly located in Guys + St Thomas’ Hospital. These posts range from Paediatrics at the Evelina Hospital, Sexual Health, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Community Psychiatry, Diabetes and Frailty, Stroke, General Medicine and A&E. We also have new posts in ENT, Dermatology and MSK which have been very well received. The GP based year involves 6 months of straight GP and 6 months in an Innovative Training post (ITP). We have some very exciting longstanding and new ITPs including the ‘Homeless + Rootless’ post which is based in Camberwell with a particular focus on Drug + Alcohol misuse and involves taking the RCGP Pt 1 Drugs + Alcohol Certificate Course. Others include a Palliative care ITP based in GP and in Guys Hospital Palliative Care Community team, a frailty ITP where trainees spend two days a week at the ‘hospital at home service’ and a GUM ITP involving two days a week working in local sexual health services which can include working towards the DSRH and/ or the LoC in Implants or IUCDs.

ST3s all work in GP practices in Southwark and Lambeth. We are very proud of our cohort of experienced trainers who offer high quality support and training.