

Interprofessional Reflective Practice Project (IRPP). We have forged a training relationship with the Department of Psychology at City University, who have provided trainees from the Doctorate of Counselling Psychology course to facilitate reflective groups for GSTT GP trainees. The objective is to see how their approach can lead to new insights into managing challenging clinical and professional encounters. The groups meet 6 times over the course of 12 months. 

Interprofessional learning events. We have run events connecting with trainees from other parts of the NHS (eg Pharmacy trainees, Dental trainees, Psychology trainees) to learn from each other and foster better multidisciplinary working in the future.

Remotely run RCA practice sessions. We used a cohort of actors to be patients for a 10 minute consult for each trainee over the course of a morning. The recording of each consultation was then analysed by groups of trainees with PD support in the afternoon.

International collaboration. We have a connection with Radboud University in Nijmegen, Netherlands and have visited each others’ training programmes. We hope post-COVID to re-visit them so trainees can learn how other countries train GPs and deliver healthcare.