St Giles Surgery
Townfield Lane
Chalfont St.Giles
T: 01494 874006
Dr Ran Hettiaratchi
Dr Ayaz Aleem
Practice Manager:
Alex Bambury
Practice Information
Our practice population is currently over 12,000 and is based across two sites in Chalfont St. Peter and Chalfont St. Giles. The practice population is representative of the general population but does have a tendency towards the affluent elderly patients and families, which includes nursing and residential homes. The Practice also looks after the residents at the National Society of Epilepsy (NSE).
The entire Practice is very supportive of training. We have an excellent primary healthcare team who are keen and have welcome trainees to the Practice. There is a learning and teaching culture in the practice with education and GP training being shared throughout the medical team with an equal level of quality and focus. We are an established a GP training practice since 2016, within the Chalfonts PCN, committed to support and train future GPs to become safe, caring, competent and enthusiastic doctors, who have chosen general practice as their future career.