Six Month rotations
Hospital Posts
- Endocrinology/Diabetes
- Care of Older Person (2)
- Stroke
- Respiratory
- Rheumatology/Dermatology
- Gastroenterology
- Emergency Medicine (7)
- Paediatrics (5)
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology (4)
- Psychiatry (3)
- ENT (4)
- Orthopaedics (2)
Community Posts- 6 months
- Trinity Hospice (2)
GP Posts (4 full-time)
GP1- includes one day in Paediatrics.
GP Integrated Posts (6)
These posts are GP based and the trainee works part-time in the specialty.
- GP/ENT/Ophthalmology
- GP/Drugs and Alcohol (2)
- GP/GUM (2)
- GP/AMU (4)
- GP/Frailty
- GP/Mental Health
- GP/Cardiology
- GP/ Research
- GP/ Public Health (2)