Scheme Administrator
Telephone: 01253 955243
Training Programme Director – Dr Allison Rees
I completed my GP Training on the Fylde Coast in 1993 and have remained in Blackpool ever since. I have a teenage son, a cat and a tortoise and am an avid supporter of both Liverpool Football Club and Wales Rugby. I am currently studying for a D Prof at UCLan and in my spare time I like to sing!
Primary Care medical Educator – Dr Ruth Cronin‘

I am also the Differential Attainment Champion for Blackpool’
Primary care Medical Educator – Dr Adam Daruzzaman

Hi I’m Adam, a GP working in the Fylde Coast and a product of the Blackpool training scheme. It is privilege to be part of our local educator community. Along with GP trainers we support trainees to meet their potential and hopefully when qualified to continue working in Fylde and Wyre. Training locally offers lots of opportunity for rest and relaxation away from work from the fun of the local beach to the splendour of the nearby countryside. As a team we look forward to working with you on your journey to complete training.