This page is intended for current Barnet VTS trainees and is still in development

What are the dates of the annual residential?

The much anticipated annual residential for 2025 will be released closer to the time, this is a fantastic opportunity to mingle with other GP Trainees, of course benefit from the array of engaging educational activities scheduled.

In an ITP post, do you need to have an end of placement meeting with your clinical supervisor in order to meet the requirements for ARCP?


What are the current requirements to show competence in Urgent and Unscheduled Care?

Trainees are expected to demonstrate the capabilities across Urgent and Unscheduled Care and this should be done in a variety of settings. It is recommended to do a range of different OOHs sessions to gain this experience but there is not a specific minimum number of hours.

Where can I see my ARCP outcome?

This can be found on FourteenFish located at the bottom of the training map

Where can I find the study leave forms?

Please see the following Aspirational (discretionary) study leave form. The form can also be found on this page.

As an LTFT trainee, are the number of required clinical case reviews pro-rata?


Does BLS training need to be in person?

Yes it must be done annually in person and be an adult and paediatric BLS course.

When do I need to join the performers list?

No earlier than 6 months before CCT and no later than 3 months before expected CCT https://pcsengland.co.uk/cv/814bfad08d4a9a675f000cb6b867ec250247317b

Where can I find further information on ranking general practices for my ST3 post?

If you would like to know more information about the general practices, please contact Mandy, VTS Programme Manager