PBSGL More information

Posted by: hshaw - Posted on:

As per Nicola’s email we have split the programme up into several small groups.

We are piloting some Practice Based Small Group Learning [PBSGL].

It would be really good if each group could agree a way of communicating with each other eg a WhatsApp group [suggested preferred option], or email.

I would then like you to pick a Lead for the group and a Deputy, and let me know who they are. [This can change each time the group meets].

Several times per year the group will meet in a local GP Practice [this will be the HDR session for that week], there will be a register for attendance at each site, and unless there is a valid reason why you can not attend you are expected to be there for the length of each session.

Each group will pick a learning module to discuss. There are over 79 modules currently, and they add about 15 new ones each year. The modules can be found here: https://www.cpdconnect.nhs.scot/ , where you can preview them but you CANT DOWNLOAD them.

Before each session the leader, or deputy will need to email the groups choice to me, and copy Nicola into this email. I will then download the requested module and email it out to you prior to the session.

Module anatomy
Each module has a pre-defined lay out:

  1. An introduction.
  2. Cases
  3. Information/ resources
  4. Case commentaries
  5. Appendixes.

Prior to meeting it is suggested that you pre-read the module sections 1-3, but you do NOT read 4, until after the discussion of that case in your groups [This is important, as the case discussion is not a ‘perfect answer’ and if read before the discussion may direct the group in a pre-defined way rather than allow open discussion].


  1. Introduction, and agreement on house rules.
  2. A volunteer reads out aloud the introduction.
  3. Another volunteer would then read out the first case.
  4. A discussion around this case should then occur, making use of the resource [section 3] and individuals knowledge and experience, and accessing online information etc.
  5. A volunteer would then read aloud the case commentary.
  6. Further discussion around the group, do you agree with the point made, new ideas etc.
  7. The group would then go onto the next case, where a new volunteer would read it out aloud.
  8. Cycle 4-7 until all cases have been discussed.
  9. A concluding discussion perhaps overlooking key learning points.

The group ideally would pick a facilitator [perhaps the lead or deputy] who might read the case commentaries before you meet and help each member of the group participate in the discussion. Facilitating a group like this is an excellent skill to develop, and certainly worth a few log entries, ticking some areas in the OML and Teaching and Learning, capability areas [previously known as Competence areas].

I will discuss this at an upcoming HDR session and do some Q&A’s on how it should work. But if you can all get communicating setting up your group communication and selecting the lead, deputy and let me know the module each group has chosen, that will be great.
