Protected: SDL Activities
SDL activity
by Ben Curtis on 7 December 2011
Curriculum Heading
- Rheumatology and conditions of the musculoskeletal system (inc trauma)
Competency Area
- Making a diagnosis/decisions
How arranged
Through his secretary at the RBH
Learning outcomes
- Basic Examination of the Knee
- Common Histories for different knee complaints
Excellent clinic loads of patient contact. Mr O’leary is very keen to teach
SDL activity
by Pete Osborne on 25 February 2013
Curriculum Heading
- Skin problems
Competency Area
How arranged
Via paying a small fee through the website
Learning outcomes
- How to do curettage
- Excision and suture techniques
- Diagnosis of benign lesions
An excellent precursor to a course or experience in practice BMJ Learning – Video Minor Surgery
SDL activity
by Reading VTS on 20 December 2011
Curriculum Heading
- Care of people with learning disablities
Competency Area
- Making a diagnosis/ decisions
How arranged
BMJ learning website
Learning outcomes
- Developmental milestones
- How to identify children with potential learning disabilities
Would be helpful to attend a clinic eg developmental paeds at Dingley to consolidate this module. BMJ learning module on assesing and diagnosing learning disability
SDL activity
by Syed Jalali on 16 January 2012
Curriculum Heading
- Care of older adults
Competency Area
- Clinical management
- Working with colleagues and in teams
- Practising holistically
How arranged
I got in touch with Dr Matt Evans secretary elderly care psychiatry.
Learning outcomes
- Local resources to support patients and carers
- Organisation of the Elderly care CMHT
- When and how to refer
Beechcroft Elderly CMHT
SDL activity
by Alex Cran on 30 April 2013
Curriculum Heading
- Drugs and alcohol problems
Competency Area
- Clinical management
How arranged
This was arranged through Dr Chris Morris (Who talks at both the drugs and alcohol VTS days). He can be contacted via Farnham road Surgery in Slough.
Learning outcomes
- To see the theory of the drug addiction day being put into practice.
- To get some experience first hand
SDL activity
by Reading VTS on 20 August 2013
Curriculum Heading
- Evidence based practice
- Research and academic activity
Competency Area
- Data gathering and interpretation
How arranged
2 hr course organised approximately monthly by library at RBH please contact them for dates and times- email or ring 0118 322 7849. There is a paper to read and appraise beforehand
SDL activity
by Alex Cran on 30 April 2013
Curriculum Heading
- Rheumatology and conditions of the musculoskeletal system (inc trauma)
Competency Area
- Clinical management
How arranged
This was arranged via Dr Pete Marshall at Brookside Group Practice. This is a service that any doctors within the Wokingham CCG can refer into.
Learning outcomes
- To see what happens to the MSK referrals I send to this service
- To learn more about USS / joint injections
- To refresh / learn some common joint anatomy
Useful session. Happens twice a week at Brookside Surgery. Dr Marshall is very keen to have other professionals come and see what he does. MSK Primary Care Clinic
SDL activity
by Liz Lewis on 30 December 2011
Curriculum Heading
- ENT and facial problems
Competency Area
- Clinical management
- Making a diagnosis/ decisions
How arranged
ring maxfax secretaries via RBH switch
Learning outcomes
- Management of toothache
- Tooth extraction warfarin and bleeding
- Bisphosphonate implications (see below)
Very informative and good fun. Mr Bischoff (locum consultant) was most welcoming and had a lot of information to share that was very relevant to GP but that we have very little opportunity to learn in other contexts. Several learning points in addition to above
SDL activity: Mr Herdman’s ENT clinic
by Reading VTS on 20 December 2011
Curriculum Heading
- ENT and facial problems
Competency Area
- Clinical management
- Making a diagnosis/ decisions
How arranged
This registrar arranged by speaking directly to Mr Herdman at a teaching session at VTS. Alternatively try calling his secretary
Learning outcomes
- Management of snoring
- Indications for grommets
- Mastoid problems
ENT Clinic
SDL activity
by Pete Osborne on 25 February 2013
Curriculum Heading
- Care of children and young people
- Respiratory problems
Competency Area
How arranged
Through Dr Edees secretary
Learning outcomes
- Asthma management in children
- Practical allergy testing
Got to see how allergy testing (skin prick) is done in practice and discuss some challenging cases. Paeds Asthma/Allergy Clinic
SDL activity
by Antony Malloy on 25 January 2012
Curriculum Heading
- Women’s health
Competency Area
- Clinical management
How arranged
Simple to arrange through Mr Smith’s secretary
Learning outcomes
- Incontinence history
- Female genital examination
- Ring pessary insertion practice
I unfortunately ended up in the clinic with one of the registrars rather than Mr Smith himself. I don’t feel I had as good learning experience as a result as I know Mr Smith is very keen to have GP trainees there. If you can be sure he is in the clinic then I think this comes highly recommended, if not then perhaps not!
- Caroline F Yates 2012-05-16 20:07I sat in on this clinic but again this was run by one of the registrars. Mr Smith was in clinic opposite doing urodynamics. This was a good opportunity to see lots of prolapses,
SDL activity
by Reading VTS on 20 December 2011
Curriculum Heading
- Clinical governance
Competency Area
- Data gathering and interpretation
How arranged
Apply through RCGP website
Learning outcomes
- learn how to assess needs for a service
- learn how to design a service
- how to monitor a service in its initial stages
best at end of ST3 RCGP Nuts and Bolts of Commissioning Course
SDL activity
by Suvro Mondal on 11 March 2012
Curriculum Heading
- Men’s health
- Women’s health
Competency Area
- Community orientation
How arranged
Spoken with GUM Registrar- Dr Emma Morgan
Learning outcomes
- Sexual Health history taking
- Male and female genital examination
- Health promotion
I shadowed Dr Chen and Dr Makowaska (Florey unit) and learnt- Sexual history-taking screening and examining men & women
SDL activity
by Chloe Evans on 7 December 2011
Curriculum Heading
- Men’s health
Competency Area
- Data gathering and interpretation
How arranged
Mr Fawcett’s secretary Lois via switch
Learning Aims
- Testicular examination
- Sinister features of testicular lumps
- Management of epididymitis and epididymal cysts
Really useful examination practice with consultant urologist
- Antony Malloy 2012-01-25 15:33I found this a very useful clinic to attend with a consultant pleased to have GP trainees there and keen to teach.Good chance to practice examination technique with somebody very experienced.