
ARCP stands for Annual Review of Competency Progression. This is the formal review of progress that all trainees are required to have. Panels are convened by the GP School to review the evidence submitted by you in your e-portfolio and make a recommendation to the RCGP certification unit about satisfactory completion of training. ARCP panels review all aspects of your e-portfolio and give an outcome based on judgement about your progress.

Further information on ARCP’s can be found on the HEE North West’s website –

When Do They Happen?

All trainees are required to have an ARCP for every year in training, whether working full or less than full time. They usually take place in June/July for summer panels and January/February for winter panels. August starters will have their ARCP’s in summer and February starters in the winter. Other panels may be held for trainees who are out of sync. If you are unsure of when your ARCP will take place please contact the programme admin team.

Some Quick Tips

  • You will need an ESR (Educational Supervisors Review) and CSR (Clinical Supervisors Review) for each post. The Deanery set deadlines for when these need to be completed usually by the ends of December and May each year so plan well in advance and get these meetings booked in with your Educational Supervisor.
  • You will need to have completed your CSR before your ESR can take place so please bear this in mind when booking meetings.
  • Form R – You need to upload one on your eportfolio for each ARCP. This is a very important document that is often overlooked or completed incorrectly. This will result in an adverse outcome and require you to be reviewed on another panel at a later date. A Form R is still required if you are out of training or on parental/sick leave.