
It is nice to split your work-life balance so you feel you are not missing out on bringing up your children and to not lose your life as a doctor (and have some adult time!). Some of us choose a childminder or a nanny, some choose nursery, others are lucky to have willing parents. This is a very individual choice and something we’d advise you discuss with friends, family and other trainees so they can share their particular choices and experiences.

For those that pay for childcare, you may be eligible to receive tax free childcare.

Tax free childcare tips from trainees:

  • Tax free childcare can be used for most home based care such as child minders, nannies and au pairs, pre-school care such as nursery schools, play schools and crèches and also care for older children such as out of school clubs (breakfast clubs, afterschool clubs) and holiday clubs 
  • Setting it up is pretty straight forward and is done by online registration
  • You can set up a regular payment or do single transfers to pay the childcare place
  • Be organised and fill in the registration early