Welcome to our page for those of you who are thinking of becoming a trainer (Intending Trainers) or those who have just recently been approved as a GP trainer (New Trainers). New and intending GP trainers often feel a bit apprehensive and anxious about the task they are taking on. All we can say is that your local Training Programme Directors (TPDs) and fellow established trainers will be available for support and help all along the way. You will learn lots of skills that are transferable to other parts of your life. Virtually everyone enjoys being a GP trainer and we are sure you will too.
How to become a Trainer/Training Practice
The first step of the pathway is becoming a Foundation Year 2 Clinical Supervisor (FY2CS). Individuals can do this by undertaking a one-day teaching module (Module 1). If the doctors employing practice is not a training practice, an assessment of the learning environment will need to take place.
FY2CS’ host doctors in their second year of Foundation training (the first year after GMC registration) for a four-month period.
After having worked as a FY2CS for at least one four-month placement, doctors can consider becoming a GP Trainer. All applicants need to have the MRCGP and have completed Modules 1 and 2.
Training for this role takes place on a six-day module (Module 2). Prospective GP trainers will also have had direct responsibility for a trainee and ideally have experience of supervising a trainee in their practice. Trainers need to demonstrate competencies as a GP Educator through the development of a portfolio.
The employing practice will also need to be accredited as a training practice by a Patch Associate GP Dean.
Click the above links to the HEKSS pages for dates of upcoming courses
New Trainers
Please remember, there are several sources of help available to you.
1. Your local TPDs;
2. Neighbouring GP Trainers;
3. Your fellow new Trainers and of course; and
4. your previous GP Trainer Mentor.
You should hopefully feel a bit more confident at doing CBDs and COTs as well as teaching on the consultation and reflective learning log entries. You should also be familiar with the ePortfolio and the fundamentals of Educational Supervision.
But remember, you don’t need to know everything in one go. You will build on what you already have rapidly over the year. So, enjoy the process and look forward to learning and developing.
Educational Workshops and Activities
A trainers workshop is held every 2 months. Trainers’ groups are divided into Maidstone based trainers and Tunbridge Wells based trainers
There is also an annual Kent Trainers Day, usually held in the autumn
Each year we try to get away for an trainers’ Away Day.