

Click the HRENW, RCGP or Registrar Resources to see some links to external resources that we feel maybe useful to you. If you have any further links that could be of use to other, then please feel free to recommend them to us, via our contact us page

HENW Links

HENW – General Practice Education in Health Education North West

This is the main website for HENW. The main page has a useful introduction video & within the site you will find many useful resources. Some of the best we have included in our own list here.

HENW – Mersey Academy Annual Review of Competency Progression

This is the formal review of progress that all trainees are required to have. Panels are convened by the GP School to review the evidence submitted by you in your e-portfolio and make a recommendation to the RCGP certification unit about accreditation.

HENW – Mersey Academy Policies Guidance

For; Problems during training, Health, Changing a placement, Inter-Deanery Transfer, Travel Expenses, Less than Full Time Training, Out of programme, Additional work during training

HENW – Mersey Academy Study Leave

The general practice study leave budget is for the education of GP specialty trainees.
Study leave must be applied for in advance and forms approved in accordance with the Study Leave Policy. 

RCGP Links

RCGP – Info regarding eportfolio

The Trainee ePortfolio is where the trainee records their learning in all its forms and settings. It is designed to be an educational tool that will facilitate and record the trainee’s clinical and personal development throughout training. It is the system used to record the evidence collected through workplace based assessment (WPBA). It might be described as the ‘glue’ which holds the curriculum, learning and assessment together.

RCGP – Mersey Faculty

Mersey faculty supports over 2,112 Members, Fellows, Associates, Associates in Training, Foundation Year doctors, Students and General Practice Foundation members in: Liverpool; Wirral; Sefton; Knowsley; Halton and St Helens; East & West Cheshire; and Isle of Man.

RCGP – Royal College of GP’s

Main homepage & website for the Royal College of GP’s

Registrar Resources

Bradford VTS website

The one-stop intuitive resource for all GP trainees, their trainers, hospital consultants and other educators in General Practice.  This large number of free resources (on MRCGP, educational theory and clinical topics – just to name a few) is provided by the Bradford GP Training Scheme to help you with your educational journey. 

GP Recruitment

The GP National Recruitment Office (GPNRO) was set up by the Committee of General Practice Education Directors (COGPED) in November 2002. It is the administrative body responsible for coordinating the nationally agreed and quality assured process for recruitment to GP Specialty Training Programmes in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. One of our main roles is to assist HEE’s local offices and the deaneries to deliver a standard and robust recruitment and selection process that is reliable, valid and fair.


InnovAiT is the RCGP journal promoting excellence in primary care through quality education.

Aimed predominantly at GP trainees, InnovAiT rotates through the whole RCGP curriculum on a three year cycle. It’s also an invaluable resource for newly qualified GPs and GP Trainers.

Lead Employer for all Doctors in Specialty Training

NASGP – National Association of Sessional GP’s

Supports sessional GPs who are working as a salaried GP or locum GP.

Over 600 articles, news items, FAQs, downloads and blog articles all specifically developed for sessional GPs