Trainee FAQ

Trainee FAQ

Frequently Asked Questions from Trainees

GP trainees are expected to attend teaching which is on a Thursday. For more information and a schedule of events visit the calendar page here.

The GPST Faculty Group’s remit is threefold: 
– ensure that the local GPST programme is fit for purpose and in line with the national GPST curriculum requirements
– quality control the local GPST programme with feedback from trainees and departments
– ensure that trainee progression is tracked, supported and audited.  Any educational concerns or targets for the trainees are shared between Clinical and Educational Supervisors through written or telephone communication and also with the GPST Faculty Group.

The Local GPST Faculty meets three times a year in November, March and June. 

Dates for 2024/25 are: 14th November 2024, 6th March 2025, and 5th June 2025. 

The Professional Support and Wellbeing Service (PSW) (formerly the Professional Support Unit) is a free service primarily dedicated to supporting the progression of postgraduate training for NHS healthcare professionals. They work independently of Specialty Schools, Training Programmes or Trusts and can offer confidential and impartial support or advice for those who need it. 

They offer access to support for neurodiversity, dyslexia, communication or linguistic difficulties, careers advice, and coaching.

Visit them here.

The Curriculum and AKT Support for Training (CAST) Programme is open to all KSS GP Speciality Trainees to aid Applied Knowledge Test (AKT) Preparation. The various resources are designed to be utilised from early ST1, throughout ST2 with additional targeted support for resitting candidates.

Visit them here.

Accommodation is available within the hospital grounds (Gill Avenue) for staff employed by the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust. For up-to-date information and availability please visit the link below.

First 5 Guildford & Waverley is a group for local GPs who have recently qualified. Join them here:

Have a question? Email Donna Stevens or one of our TPDs