About Us

About Us

Meet The Education Team

Meet The Team

​Several key people make up the Education Team who support trainees throughout their GP training, such as the GP Training Programme Directors and the Medical Education Team.

The GP Programme Directors (TPDs) oversee all aspects of General Practice training from ST1 to ST3 including Less Than Full-Time Training (LTFT), organising Half Day Release (HDR) Teaching, Integrated Training Post (ITP) weekly tutorials, co-ordination of the Thursday GP Clinical Updates and managing all GP training rotations and Trainer and Registrar Groups.

The Medical Education Team are part of the Royal Surrey Foundation Trust and work closely with Human Resources, the Director of Medical Education and the GP Programme Directors.

Each GP Trainee is allocated a named TPD on starting the scheme.

Dr Debra Harper
Training Programme Director

Debra is a GP and GP Trainer at Wonersh Surgery and also the PD lead for Rotas, Less than Fulltime Training and Out of Hours Training on the scheme.

Contact Debra

Dr Fliss Smee
Training Programme Director

Fliss is the GP Tutor and the PD lead for Local Faculty Groups, Annual Review of Competency Progression and International Medical Graduates.

Contact Fliss

Dr Hannah Field
Training Programme Director

Hannah is a GP and Clinical Supervisor at Haslemere Health Centre and the PD lead for AKT exam.

Contact Hannah

The Primary Care team support and manage the GP and Primary Care Schools across Kent, Surrey and Sussex (KSS). There is more information on the KSS website: Our team – Working across Kent, Surrey and Sussex (hee.nhs.uk).

Vacant Post
Patch Associate Dean

The Patch Associate Dean for West Surrey is currently a vacant role.

The Patch Associate Dean works closely with the Head of School, Liz Norris and the Training Programme Directors (Debra, Fliss, and Hannah).

Dr Liz Norris
Head of GP School & Deputy Primary Care Dean

Liz is responsible for quality management of the GP Specialty Training Schemes across Kent, Surrey and Sussex, supporting GP trainees in their education, assessments and clinical practice and address any concerns they may have.

Prof Chris Warwick
Primary Care Dean & Deputy Postgraduate Dean

Professor Warwick holds overall responsibility for the Primary Care Department overseeing GP education and continuing professional development within primary care.

Donna Stevens
GP Manager

Donna is based at the Education Centre in the Royal Surrey County Hospital, Guildford, our  main hospital on the scheme. She is a great first point of contact for trainees who have questions about their training.


Janet Whitehorn
Study Leave Administrator

Janet is the Study Leave Administrator in the Medical Education Team at Royal Surrey County Hospital. Her working days are Wednesday, Thursday and she is contactable on 01483 571122 ext. 2307/4378.


Tracey Cookman
Medical Education Manager

Medical Education is run by Tracey Cookman, Medical Education Manager. Tracey is contactable Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. She works closely with Medical Human Resources, the Director of Medical Education and the Programme Directors.


Hiro Khoshnaw
Director of Medical education

Hiro is a Consultant Geriatrician and the Director of Medical Education at the Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust


GPST Year Representatives

GPST1: Sonum Bathia, Katie Hickinbottom, Avinash Valand

GPST2: Jess Davies, Sinthu Shanmugarajah

GPST3: Susan Sheil-Rankin

LTFT: Julia Miah