ES Report During Covid – ES Guidance
Educational Supervisors Guidance for completing the ESR
We’ve adapted the RCGP guidance here to help with completing ESRs for yur ST3 trainees.
- All trainees who are finishing ST3 will need an ESR.
- The trainee will need to have completed their self-preparation before the review can be done.
- It is acceptable for the review to be done remotely if not possible to meet face to face.
- The review should normally be done no more than 8 weeks before the planned ARCP date.
- The ES will need to rate the trainee against all of the 13 capabilities.
- For the trainee to be licensed for independent practice they will need to be rated ascompetent for all of the 13 capabilities. (The ES must not rate the trainee as competent if they have any concerns about their performance in any of the capability areas).
- As usual, the trainee’s progress in the 13 capabilities and overall progression should be assessed completely independent of other parts of the Tripos: the CSA (or any alternative temporary assessment), or AKT. The ES may need to add a comment on each of the capabilities:
- If they have rated the trainee as competent for that capability and they are satisfied with the comments written by the trainee in their self-reflection then saying they agree with the trainee’s comments will suffice.
- If they have rated the trainee as needing further development for any of the capabilities then a comment will need to be written in support of this rating
- If the trainee has 3 pieces of linked evidence for each capability and this includes linked evidence from the 6-month review no further evidence needs to be linked by the ES.If the ES is unsure whether they can rate the trainee as competent for licensing then it is acceptable to ask another supervisor if they would complete a CSR on the trainee as this may provide additional evidence to support their decisions.
- The remaining part of the ES review does not need completing. This would normally include the ES commenting on;
- Clinical experience coverage
• Review of PDP,
• Quality of Evidence
• Clinical Examination and Procedural Skills - None of this is required and writing n/a in all the mandatory boxes is acceptable and the review will not be rejected.For the final review, the ES has to tick a box to confirm the trainee has completed an update on Basic Life Support and Child Safeguarding level 3. Evidence of knowledge updates are still required and these need to be visible in the trainees learning log. The reflection requirements of a child safeguarding issue have been waived.1 Exceptions to this include when the trainee has not completed the mandatory assessment requirements as in the table above, so for example;
- If a rectal CEPS was missing this would need to be commented on within the CEPS capability that there were no concerns with the trainees ability to examine or
- If the 1st MSF was incomplete and another has not taken place then a comment about the trainees ability to work both clinically and professionally with colleagues would need to be commented on within the working in teams capability.
- The requirements for Out of Hours are going to be waived and the OOH box will be removed.
The ES will then make a judgement on the overall outcome of the trainees WPBA of satisfactory, panel opinion or unsatisfactory.
Once the ESR is completed it will need to be submitted by clicking the complete and submit button.
Trainee guidance on completing the ESR during Covid
Trainee guidance on completing the ESR
Review Preparation will still need to take place before you have the meeting with your supervisor.
Prior to completing your self-rating you will need to ensure you have completed the following;
- At least 3 pieces of evidence for each capability this can be from learning logs orassessments that you have undertaken during your entire ST3 year and not just newevidence since your mid year review.
- Completed on line learning modules for Basic Life Support and Automated ExternalDefibrillators if these have expired. (ALS courses are acceptable providing they haven’t expired). Certificates for BLS/AED learning need to be included in your learning log.
- Completed a learning module for child safeguarding level 3. The certificate needs to be attached into your learning log
- Any mandatory CEPS, which have not been observed and assessed need a log entry to detail when the relevant examination was undertaken.
- Complete your Form R/SOAR and add this to your learning log. If you have declared any complaints or significant events on your Form R/SOAR an SEA will need to be added into your learning log.
Review preparation
Rate and comment on each of the 13 capabilities. To obtain your certificate of completion of training in WPBA you need to rate yourself as competent in all 13 capabilities. (Please do not rate yourself as competent if you have concerns about your performance and do not consider yourself to be safe).
3 pieces of linked evidence need to be attached to each capability. If you have already used evidence in your mid year review then this will be counted towards the 3 pieces of evidence and does not need to be re-linked.
3 action plans and a proposed PDP need to be added as these will be carried forward to your 1st appraisal post CCT.
Complete the sections on safeguarding children, probity and health.
Sign off your review and submit this to your supervisor so they can complete their sections.
Arrange a meeting with you supervisor for them to complete the ESR, which can be done remotely if, need be.
What is Educational Supervision (ES)?
Educational Supervision is ‘a positive process to chart an individual’s continuing progress and to identify development needs’. In Educational Supervision, your supervisor is looking to see how you are doing by making sure you are making good progress in various areas specified by the RCGP.
It is also a forward-looking process – where the ES will help you discover further educational needs and develop a plan for the next training period, essentially resulting in a Personal Development Plan.
What types of things will be reviewed in ES?
- Your learning log entries (checking for a meaningful level of reflection)
- Workplace Based Assessments – like COTs, CBDs, Mini-CEXs, MSFs, PSQs and CEPS.
- The 13 Professional Capabilities – making sure you are gradually gathering more evidence for each of them.
- Checking your engagement in Urgent Unscheduled Care and how you’re performing in relation to the Capabilities.
- Checking what your Clinical Supervisor has to say in their report (the CSR).
- Making sure you’ve engaged in a Quality Improvement Programme, Leadership Activity and Prescribing Assessment.
- Checking your previous year’s PDP and whether you have achieved them.
How is this different to Clinical Supervision?
Try not to confuse your Clinical Supervisor with your Educational Supervisor.
- The Clinical Supervisor oversees your day to day work and will change with each change of post.
- Your Educational Supervisor oversees your progress throughout training and will usually remain the same person throughout your 3 year training period. Their aim is to keep you on track for training (primarily) and help you identify and meet your learning needs
How many meetings and are these important?
There will be one ES meeting every 6 months. If you’re an ST1 in your very first post, we expect you to have TWO ES meetings during that post – an initial “handshake” at the beginning and a more formal one at the end.
And ES is a mandatory. Your ARCP can’t happen without it. Please note: it is the trainee’s responsibility to get in touch with their Educational Supervisor and arrange a meeting (not the other way around).
Who is my Educational Supervisor?
Contact your GP Training Scheme Administrator – they will be able to tell you. If you are new – you’ll probably find out at your training scheme’s induction programme.
Which Assessment at Which Stage?
Do you get confused which WPBA assessments need to be done at which ST stage and how many?
RCGP page on Which WPBA and numbers (scroll to the bottom)
The ES Workbook
The ES Workbook is basically a very simple mapping tool that has been developed by some GP Trainers to HELP you. We strongly advise you to use it and upload it to your ePortfolio. It will make your life and the Educational Supervisor’s life easier.
- Click here for The ES Workbook (see Downloads section)
- Remember to start a new ES workbook for each ST year.
The ES checklist
We also strong recommend trainees use something called “The ES Checklist” to ensure they have got everything in order prior their ES meeting. The ES meeting will take about 2-3 hours. If you haven’t done the preparation work, it will be difficult for both you and your Educational Supervisor and the meeting will end up taking longer.
- One of the most important parts of the ES meeting is your Capability Self-Rating Scales. Please speak with your ES or TPD or Trainer on how to write this up.