Useful Links

Useful Links

HEE main site

Health Education Y and H

Other GPSTP Websites

Bradford VTS – contains a wealth of useful information for both trainees and trainers

Pennine GP Training – also a very useful site for trainees and trainers

York VTS

Clinical: (some pages require NHS net connection)

Asylum Journey

Dermnet – provides authoritative information about skin diseases, conditions and treatment for patients and their health professionals.

EMC medication page


GP Notebook – medical information

HIV Drug Interactions – a clinically useful, reliable, comprehensive, up-to-date, evidence-based drug-drug interaction resource, freely available to healthcare workers, patients and researchers

NICE CKS – provides primary care practitioners with a readily accessible summary of the current evidence base and practical guidance on best practice in respect of over 300 common and/or significant primary care presentations.

STH Lab Page including pathology guidelines

Sheffield Aches and Pains

Sheffield Formulary

Sheffield Mental Health Guide

Sheffield PRESS Portal

Sheffield PLI Timetable


Support for Doctors Page

HEE Trainees in difficulty site