Safeguarding updates 2021
Sent to all Sheffield VTS GP Trainers and ST1, ST2 and ST3 Registrars.
Dear all, evidence of safeguarding training must be updated each training year. See RCGP requirements;
At the start of the training programme in the trainee’s first post in ST1 all trainees need to receive training on both child and adult safeguarding and in particular have the knowledge of the appropriate action to take if there are any concerns. This can be done through local training or online resources and documented by the trainee in their ePortfolio.
This learning then needs to be applied throughout training. Information on both child and adult safeguarding needs to be documented within the trainee’s ePortfolio within each training year and made available to the ARCP panels.
It is recommended that demonstration of on-going learning come from participatory and non-participatory training activities.
- Attending face to face training
- Group case discussion
- Reflection on the learning from a case the professional has been involved in and how this applied to their practice
- Webinars
- Attendance at safeguarding practice meetings
- Demonstrating how learning gained from reading the RCGP Child Safeguarding and Adult Safeguarding toolkits has been applied to clinical practice
- E-Learning
- Reading the RCGP Child Safeguarding and Adult Safeguarding toolkits
- Relevant safeguarding guidelines of journal articles
Please ensure that you all familiarise yourself with the full guidance which is available here;
Level 3 e-learning courses;
The following are some of the online ones recognised;
Level 3 adult and child safeguarding modules RCGP
You have to email the RCGP administrator for a login, you should get a certificate, there are separate modules for adult and child but there is some case based discussion to be looked at in practice rather than purely e-learning
There are also the following e-lfh modules
Child safeguarding course Level 3 e-lfh
Adult Safeguarding Level 3
If your practice has access to Bluestream academy, this also has Level 3 courses