You will be allocated an Educational Supervisor (ES) who is an experienced GP educator (also often called a trainer). During ST1 and ST2 your ES will be in regular contact to ensure that you are making good progress with your training. During ST3 you will be based in your ES’s GP surgery.
Your ES will meet with you twice a year to do an Educational Supervisors Report (ESR) which is part of your Workplace Based Assessment. This will involve going through your ePortfolio, reviewing your progress to date and helping you to define which areas of the curriculum you need to focus on. You will be able to rank practice preferences and your ES will be allocated soon after you start ST1.
In each post you will also have a Clinical Supervisor (CS) to help co-ordinate your training on a day to day basis. This is usually the Consultant you are working with (or a GP if you are in a primary care post). In ST3 your ES will also be your CS.