ST1&2 Central & South Manchester
The University Hospital of South Manchester at Wythenshawe prides itself with first class teaching for its trainees. Each specialty holds its own teaching sessions. The hospital based portion of the training scheme is comprised of two rotations of six month posts which are a combination of three of the following:
- General Medicine / Care of the Elderly / AMU / Diabetes
- Paediatrics
- Obstetrics and Gynaecology
- Emergency Medicine / A&E
- Psychiatry
- Cancer Care at The Christie Hospital
The GP Training Programme holds weekly teaching sessions at the Education & Research Centre at Wythenshawe ERC. All trainees are encouraged to attend as this programme is designed to prepare you for the AKT. This is aligned with theRCGP Curriculum for General Practice. The sessions can involve external speakers, small group work and there is often preparation for further learning suggested to promote your development towards the nMRCGP. GP orientated teaching sessions are held most weeks on Wednesday afternoons from 2.00 – 5.00 pm with breaks for Christmas, Easter and summer. The sessions cover clinical topics, consultation skills, GP management and ethics. The aim is to provide GP curriculum based learning that will support the sitting fo the AKT exam during the ST2 year. The sessions will complement the teaching in the ST3 year. You should all be released from your clinical duties for these sessions and attendance is mandatory (apart from nights and annual leave).
Job Descriptions
ST3 year in GP Training
During the third year of your training you will be based in a training practice, having regular tutorials with your educational supervisor. You will usually already know your trainer when you start ST3 because they will have been your educational supervisor in ST1/2. Normally you see them for a few days each year, then in ST3 you will develop a deeper one-to-one relationship. Your supervisor will act as a guide and a mentor.
You will also be released for 25 days a year to attend a Study Release Course (SRC), specifically designed for ST3. This begins with a course in the Autumn. This is an essential date for your diary and should be booked ahead. This is not time to take annual leave!
We meet in pleasant and relaxed surroundings away from home / work, to develop supportive study groups and learn how to maximise learning during the final year. The SRC focuses on the development of skills and will combine pre-course preparation, formal sessions with a facilitator or speaker, small group intensive work (in action learning sets) and some project based work.