Working at RSCH

Working in Guildford

Placements through your GP Training

Royal Surrey County Hospital

The Royal Surrey NHS Foundation Trust (Egerton Road, Guildford, GU2 7XX) is a leading district general hospital with a few differences. It has a specialist tertiary referral cancer centre (St Luke’s) providing care for patients from a large catchment area. Many surgical firms also offer complex surgery to patients from a wide area. There is an efficient, well run A&E department with separate medical and surgical assessment units.  

There are strong links with University of Surrey supporting academic excellence with an extensive education, training and research portfolio.

For further information, visit the Trust website by clicking here.

Placements at the Royal Surrey County Hospital

During your time with us you will be based at Royal Surrey County Hospital and one of our GP Training Practices. We have some rotations that include a post at one of the following:

  • Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice, Farnham 
  • Berkeley House, Godalming 
  • Farnham Road Hospital, Guildford
  • Surrey Heartlands ICB, Guildford

Guildford Scheme GP Training Practices

There are currently 17 training practices on the Guildford scheme where trainees may do their GP placements. Many are located in Guildford, while some are further south, as far as Haslemere and Cranleigh, while others are more towards London, such as Send, Bookham and Cobham. Each practice has its own website below.

All the practices are totally committed to training, and the Trainers’ group provides a supportive and forward thinking environment for teaching and learning. Trainees are allocated to practices with regard to locality and where the trainee will be living, but this is also constrained by where there are spaces in the practices.

Accommodation at RSCH

Accommodation is available within the hospital grounds (Gill Avenue) for staff employed by the Royal Surrey County Hospital NHS Trust. For up-to-date information and availability please visit the link below.


Duties of a Doctor

The Duties of a Doctor Registered with the General Medical Council (GMC)

Patients must be able to trust doctors with their lives and health.  To justify that trust you must show respect for human life and you must make sure your practice meets the standards expected of you in four domains:

Knowledge, Skills & Performance

  • Make the care of your patient your first concern
  • Provide a good standard of practice and care
  • Keep your professional knowledge and skills up to date
  • Recognise and work within the limits of your competence

Safety & Quality

  • Take prompt action if you think that patient safety, dignity or comfort is being compromised
  • Protect and promote the health of patients and the public

Communication, Partnership & Teamwork

  • Treat patients as individuals and respect their dignity
  • Treat patients politely and considerately
  • Respect patients’ right to confidentiality
  • Work in partnership with patients. 
  • Listen and respond to their concerns and preferences
  • Give patients the information they want or need in a way they can understand 
  • Respect patients’ right to reach decisions with you about their treatment and care 
  • Support patients in caring for themselves to improve and maintain their health
  • Work with colleagues in the ways that best serve patients’ interests

Maintaining Trust

  • Be honest and open and act with integrity
  • Never discriminate unfairly against patients or colleagues
  • Never abuse your patients’ trust in you or the public’s trust in the profession

You are personally accountable for your professional practice and must always be prepared to justify your decisions and actions.

Information taken from the General Medical Council website 05.08.2016