Sania Sahgal Scheme Administrator

Hi, I’m Sania!
I have very recently joined HEE (as of 23rd May 22!) and the team as a Primary Care School Support Administrator and I will be supporting the Bradford scheme. I previously worked at The University of Bradford in The Placements Team supporting MPharm, Radiography, Arch and Forensic placements, so this is a complete new challenge that I’m excited to tackle, I will be asking a lot of questions over the next few months so bare with me!
I love to travel, read and spend time with my family and friends.
For any training related queries, please contact me at
Dr Hasna Begum Training Programme Director

I have been a TPD since 2009 and joined alongside Lucy. I am responsible for the GPR Rotations, Less Than Full Time Training (LTFT), Educational Supervisor (ES) & Training Programme Director (TPD) Advisor allocations as well as clinical posts for Obstetrics & Gynaecology. Please feel free to get in touch with me at
Dr Jessica Keeble Training Programme Director

Since finishing my GP training in Bradford I’ve worked at Bevan House, an inclusion health practice for some of the most vulnerable in Bradford. I’ve been on the TPD team since 2017 where I’m responsible for the modular programme and GP clinical posts in paediatrics and palliative care. I’ve also run CSA support groups and am hoping to develop this further.
When I’m not working or trying to make sure my children have clean clothes, full stomachs and happy hearts, I try to find time to swim in the Wharfe or cycle into the Dales for coffee and cake. If you need to get in touch please email me at
Dr Lucy Clark Training Programme Director

Dr. Lucy Clark has been a TPD since 2009.You will see her at nearly every HDR session. Lucy is also responsible for the scheme Evaluation & Quality Assurance, New GPR Induction, Trainers’ Development, Working with neighbouring schemes, Working with Allied Practitioners. As part of her role as TPD liason, Lucy is responsible for liason with GP Psychiatry & Palliative Care posts. Should you wish to contact Dr. Lucy Clark please email her at
Dr Abid Iqbal Training Programme Director

Hello! I joined the Bradford TPD team in 2017. I work as a portfolio GP in Bradford. I grew up and went to school in Bradford and completed my GP training here. I hope you find your time as a GP trainee in Bradford a fun and memorable experience as I did many years ago. As a TPD I am responsible for Out of Hours working, ARCPs, RCGP Exams & Assessment, IT/Web Development and for clinical post for Oncology,Rheumatology and Care of the Elderly.
I love watching the cricket at Headingley with my children and thoroughly enjoy the outdoors. If you’re having any issues with any apsect of your training please feel free to get in touch at
Dr Gareth James Training Programme Director

I completed my GP training in Bradford in 2004. Following this I went to work on a hospital ship in West Africa for 2 years before returning to work as a GP in Bradford at the Ridge Medical Practice, where I am a now a partner, trainer and medical student tutor. As well as post graduate GP education I have an interest in inclusion health, and worked a day a week for 7 years with Bevan Healthcare, the practice for the homeless and asylum seekers in Bradford. I love the diversity and challenges I see in my day to day practice and am passionate about providing high quality postgraduate primary care education equipping primary care professionals to become capable and well rounded in their various roles. I am married and have 2 fantastic kids. Although we live in Leeds I haven’t forgotten my roots so still follow and support the Boro! I enjoy every kind of live music and watching peforming arts. I love walking up hills and mountains, and travelling down rivers, lakes and on the sea by whatever means possible.
I am currently your TPD responsible for Finance, New Posts, HR/BTHFT Liaison, Wednesday Tutorials, innovative GP training posts, Practice Managers Collaboration and clinical posts in ENT/Ophthalmology. I can be contacted via email at
Dr Helen Moor Training Programme Director

I have been a TPD since Sep 202 and am a GP partner at Leylands Medical Centre and also work as a GPwSi in MSK. I completed my GP training in Airedale in 2006. My TPD responsibilities are in trainer education and re-approval. I am married and have three children, 2 dogs and a cat and will admit I’m addicted to exercise. I spend my free time running on Ilkley Moor and the Chevin, swimming in the Wharfe of cycling in the Dales. I have also recently have taken up playing cricket for Menston ladies team. I can be contacted via email as
Alida Towns – BTHFT Education Lead: Postgraduate Medical Education

Alida Towns – BTHFT Education Lead: Postgraduate Medical Education
I have been in the NHS since 2007 having worked in a Mental Health Trust in Hampshire as a Business and Performance Manager.
I joined Bradford Teaching Hospitals as a Service Manager when we relocated to Yorkshire in 2015.
I worked with the Central Patient Booking Service, the Adult Outpatients team as well as Phlebotomy.
I joined the Medical Education team in August 2021.
In my role as Medical Education Manager at the Trust, I will be your point of call for sickness and absence management support and travel expenses.
I am supported by our Medical HR team who are always on hand to provide their expertise when needed.
I am an accredited Coach and here to provide a listening service or additional support if you just want to talk.
I am based at Bradford Royal Infirmary, Education Centre, Field House, Duckworth Lane, Bradford, BD9 6RJ.
If you need to make contact for any of the following, please use these generic email addresses:
· General Enquiries relating to sickness/absence or signposting:
· Study leave:
· Travel expenses:
· Please direct any other enquiries to the HEE Primary Care Support team: